What is Thyroid?

The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland that sits low on the front of the neck. Your thyroid lies below your Adam’s apple, along the front of the windpipe. The thyroid has two side lobes, connected by a bridge (isthmus) in the middle. When the thyroid is its normal size, you can’t feel it.

The thyroid secretes several hormones, collectively called thyroid hormones. The main hormone is thyroxine, also called T4. Thyroid hormones act throughout the body, influencing metabolism, growth and development, and body temperature.

How Thyroid Glad Works?

The thyroid gland helps to regulate many body functions by constantly releasing a steady amount of thyroid hormones into the bloodstream.

If the body needs more energy in certain situations – for instance, if it is growing or cold, or during pregnancy – the thyroid gland produces more hormones.

The thyroid tissue itself consists of a lot of small individual lobules that are enclosed in thin layers of connective tissue.